Morse Code Alphabet

The Morse Code Alphabet (A to Z) is a communication system that uses a combination of short signals (dots) and long signals (dashes) to represent letters, numbers, and symbols.

Morse code letters

This chart lists each letter of the English alphabet, from A to Z, along with their corresponding morse code letters. Whether you're a Morse code enthusiast, a student of communication history, want to fun with your friends or simply curious about this intriguing code, our guide you through the alphabet of dots and dashes, allowing you to explore and appreciate the rich history and significance of Morse code.

A .- B -... C -.-. D -..
E . F ..-. G --. H ....
I .. J .--- K -.- L .-..
M -- N -. O --- P .--.
Q --.- R .-. S ... T -
U ..- V ...- W .-- X -..-
Y -.-- Z --..


( -.--. - -....- ¿ ..-.- & .-...
, --..-- ? ..--.. ' .----. ) -.--.-
: ---... ! -.-.-- $ ...-..- L .-..
; -.-.-. / -..-. ¡ --...- = -...-
@ .--.-. " .-..-. . .-.-.- + .-.-.
_ ..--.-

Pronunciation Guide for Morse Code

In the world of Morse code, understanding how to pronounce the symbols is essential for effective communication. Here's a brief guide on how to pronounce Morse code symbols:

Dot (.) - "Dit": The dot, often referred to as "dit," is the shortest Morse code symbol. When spoken, it's pronounced as "dit," rhyming with "fit." Imagine it as a quick, sharp sound.

Dash (-) - "Dah": The dash, known as "dah," is the longer Morse code symbol. When spoken, it's pronounced as "dah," rhyming with "saw." It has a slightly longer duration compared to the dot.

Spacing: In Morse code, the spacing between symbols within a character is typically the length of one dot (dit), while the spacing between characters within a word is the length of three dots (dits), and the spacing between words is the length of seven dots (dits). This spacing ensures clarity in Morse code communication.

Example: For better understanding , let's take the Morse code for the letter "A," which is ".-" (dot-dah). When pronouncing this, you would say "dit-dah."